Supporting Documents Required to Submit your Loan
Whether you go directly to a bank/building society or a broker you need to supply supporting documents when applying for a loan. Please identify the category that suits your situation.
Provide only what applies to your circumstances
For all the below categories
- 100 Points ID
- Passport or Birth certificate
- Driver’s licence
- Medicare Card
- If you have changed your name (been married) a copy of your birth certificate and your (Government Issued) Marriage certificate
- Last two years ATO Notice of Assessments
- Copy of 2 fortnight’s payslips which outline your Year to Date (YTD) Income
- Copy of your Child Support Agreement (which outlines how much your will be paid each fortnight)
- Copy of your Centrelink statement which outlines how much you are entitled to
- Evidence of existing rental income for investment properties owned
- Evidence of expected rental to be received on investment purchase
- Evidence of Pensions or other allowances received
- Rates Notice for all properties owned
- Last 6 months savings history statements
- Evidence of property sale
- Evidence of property purchase
- Last 6 months loan history for debts being refinanced/consolidated
- Last statements for all debts held (eg: car leases, personal loans, interest free loans, etc)
- Last 3 months credit/store cards statement
- 100 Points ID
- Passport or Birth certificate
- Driver’s licence
- Medicare Card
- If you have changed your name (been married) a copy of your birth certificate and your (Government Issued) Marriage certificate
- 100 Points ID
- Passport or Birth certificate
- Driver’s licence
- Medicare Card
- If you have changed your name (been married) a copy of your birth certificate and your (Government Issued) Marriage certificate
- Last two years full business/company/trust tax returns
- Last two years ATO Notice of Assessments
- Last two years personal tax returns
- Copy of trust deed
- Copy of Memorandum and Articles
- Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
- Evidence of existing rental income for investment properties owned
- Evidence of expected rental to be received on investment purchase
- Evidence of Pensions or other allowances received
- Rates Notice for all properties owned
- Last 6 months savings history statements
- Evidence of property sale
- Evidence of property purchase
- Last 6 months loan history for debts being refinanced/consolidated
- Last statements for all debts held (eg: car leases, personal loans, interest free loans, etc)
- Last 3 months credit/store cards statement
- 100 Points ID
- Passport or Birth Certificate
- Driver’s licence
- Medicare card
- Copy of Utilities Bill (Gas, Electricity or Car insurance – must show current mailing address
- If you have changed your name (married) a copy of your birth certificate and your (Government Issued) Marriage certificate
- Last 2 payslips
- Latest Group Certificate or Tax Return
- Evidence of existing rental income for investment properties owned
- Evidence of expected rental to be received on investment purchase
- Evidence of Pensions or other allowances received
- Evidence of property purchase
- Rates Notice for all properties owned
- Last 6 months savings history statements
- Evidence of property sale
- Last 6 months loan history for debts being refinanced/consolidated
- Last statements for all debts held (eg: car leases, personal loans, interest free loans, etc)
- Last 3 months credit/store cards statement
- Last 6 months loan history for debts being refinanced/consolidated
- Last statements for all debts held (eg: car leases, personal loans, interest free loans, etc)
- Last 3 months credit/store cards statements
- 100 Points ID
- Passport or Birth certificate
- Driver’s licence
- Medicare Card
- If you have changed your name (been married) a copy of your birth certificate and your (Government Issued) Marriage certificate
- Last two years full business/company/trust tax returns
- Last two years ATO Notice of Assessments
- Last two years personal tax returns
- Copy of trust deed
- Copy of Memorandum and Articles
- Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
- Evidence of existing rental income for investment properties owned
- Evidence of expected rental to be received on investment purchase
- Evidence of Pensions or other allowances received
- Rates Notice for all properties owned
- Last 6 months savings history statements
- Evidence of property sale
- Evidence of property purchase
- Last 6 months loan history for debts being refinanced/consolidated
- Last statements for all debts held (eg: car leases, personal loans, interest free loans, etc)
- Last 3 months credit/store cards statement
- 100 Points ID
- Passport or Birth certificate
- Driver’s licence
- Medicare Card
- If you have changed your name (been married) a copy of your birth certificate and your (Government Issued) Marriage certificate
- Last 2 payslips no older than 30 days
- Latest Group Certificate or Tax Return
- Evidence of existing rental income for investment properties owned
- Evidence of expected rental to be received on investment purchase
- Evidence of Pensions or other allowances received
- Rates Notice for all properties owned
- Last 6 months savings history statements
- Evidence of property sale
- Evidence of property purchase
- Last 6 months loan history for debts being refinanced/consolidated
- Last statements for all debts held (eg: car leases, personal loans, interest free loans, etc)
- Last 3 months credit/store cards statements