During Separation or Divorce, see a Broker to assist you navigate through all the facts, figures and lending options.
Let Rachael help set you up for the best fresh start possible.
Using a Broker to assist you with the financial aspects of a Divorce or Relationship Separation can
provide vast benefits.
A Broker can navigate you along the right path to find the best lender and structure to suit your circumstances. As many Brokers have both inside knowledge and significant access to a variety of bank products and policies, they can provide you with an accurate and valuable choice of lenders. When you visit a traditional bank, you are given information about only their products. With a Broker, they can compare multiple lenders to find the “perfect fiit” for you and your financial situation.
Women often have difficulty after financial separation as they often have to acquire their first independent credit facilities .. In this instance they may find that, as their disposable income is depleted, the bank treats them differently.
Your old bank may have been the perfect bank while you were a couple, however it may not be the perfect fit for you now that you are single. A broker will go through your financial situation in depth and find the lender that will be your best option in your new circumstances.
When creating a new future, make a fresh start and seek out all the options. Contact your Broker,
Rachael Hunter, on 0487 922 715.